smartReCycle sRC –

Ultrafiltration systems require up to 70% less electricity than existing systems.

Depending on the task at hand, we also utilise various of our membrane processes in combination with other technologies.

Typical applications for ultrafiltration and microfiltration systems are, for example

High energy efficiency

An energy-saving heat recovery system from the permeate is integrated. The system is designed for heat recovery, for example from an existing compressor circuit (hot water approx. 80-90°C).

Robust system for reliable wastewater treatment

Our ceramic membranes are tried and tested and reliable with a service life of up to 8 years. Microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes are purely physical, no chemicals are required. All substances in the wastewater to be filtered that are larger than the membrane pores are retained by the ceramic membrane - depending on the pore size used, this is either microfiltration or ultrafiltration.

State-of-the-art technology

Sophisticated heat recovery systems for intelligent energy recycling and intelligent process control complete the system.


Technical data sheet

Release: September 2024

The system performance and output quality may vary depending on the desired concentration level and properties of the process water.