Drinking water purification
Drinking water purification for 100-20,000 l/h
Our multi-stage purification systems for clean drinking water are suitable for use on islands or rural regions without infrastructure, for example. Our systems can be operated with or without a photovoltaic option. It is a high-quality filtration technology in combination with activated carbon filtration and UV disinfection to produce clean drinking water; this is also suitable for seawater desalination.
We use high-quality, established filtration technology with robust high-tech membranes, depending on the application area, this involves ultrafiltration technology or reverse osmosis systems. Our membrane systems are combined with activated carbon filters and UV disinfection and remove more than 99.9% of all microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Water from polluted and contaminated water sources such as rivers, lakes or even sea water can be treated. The systems can also be installed in hotels, apartment blocks, private homes, etc.

Decentralized domestic wastewater solutions

We can also decentralize We offer treatment plants for domestic wastewater. Our small sewage treatment plants work according to the proven fully biological SBR process and are suitable for 4 to 50 PE (PE = inhabitants). We can offer larger plants up to 5000 PE on request.
Our flexible technology is suitable for almost any installation situation. We can supply technical equipment for your own or existing containers as well as complete systems for concrete tanks or plastic ones.
How does an SBR sewage treatment plant (SBR = Sequential Biological Treatment) work?
With SBR treatment technology, there is a separate pre-treatment for the mechanical retention of coarse materials and a biological aeration and secondary clarification tank, a so-called SBR tank.
Unsere SBR Kleinkläranlage reinigen das zufließende Abwasser in mehreren Zyklen. Die Reinigungsleistung beträgt bei Kleinkläranlagen bis zu 99 %. Damit unterschreitet diese Anlagentechnik die vom Gesetzgeber geforderten Grenzwerte bei weitem.